Kindergarten Info

We’re looking forward to a wonderful year in kindergarten. We hope you all are well and enjoyed your summer. Over the next few weeks, there will be lots of information. Here are some things that you need to know right now to begin this fabulous year!

**More detailed information will be available soon!**

WaKIDS Family Conferences

‘WaKIDS’ Family Conferences-meeting with parent(s) and kindergarten student
Our purpose is to begin to form relationships with our families/children to promote success for everyone. We encourage you to share any pertinent information: previous preschool experiences, gather important information like contact information, health history, dismissal-bus/pick up, etc.

Kindergarten Camp

Every year during the first 4 days of Kindergarten, the PLE Kindergarten team does a 'Kindergarten Camp'. The purpose is to acclimate students to school, enable the teachers to get to know students in terms of social-emotional skills/needs, academic skills/needs; all students are given opportunities to interact with one another; and get to know all our kindergarten teachers. The teachers will make observations during the 4 days to create balanced classrooms to support student learning.

Final Class Assignments

Teachers and administrators will meet to configure balanced classrooms. An email with your child’s final class placement will be sent to each family after WAKids testing is complete.
Please note that your child’s teacher/classroom assignment for the school year maybe the same/or different from where they were assigned during Kindergarten Camp. Please inform your child of their final teacher/classroom assignment to ease in the transition to school.

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