We use the Konstella app to connect with each other. Search for Phantom Lake and download the Konstella app [here].

The Phantom Lake Elementary PTA Nominating Committee announces the following Nominees for PTA Executive Board positions for the 2024-25 School Year. 

The election will be held at our final General PTA Meeting of the year on June 6th, 2024, 6:30pm - 8:00pm


MEETING LINK: https://teams.live.com/meet/9319534944975?p=sgA6RNwLC00lWnOElG


Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor on the date of meeting.

We also need volunteers to run PTA events, such as the ice cream social and harvest dance, and to lead programs, such as coordinating before & after school programs. These events will not happen next year without your help!

We encourage everyone to attend the meeting!  Your involvement, no matter how big or small, makes a difference!
More information is available at https://www.phantomlakepta.org/AllPLEPTAPositions.html

If you are interested or have any questions, please email: phantomlakepta@gmail.com
Nominees for 2024-2025 School Year Phantom Lake Elementary PTA 2.3.65 Executive Board:
President:  Ngoc Tran
Secretary:   Lauren Houchin
Co-Treasurers:  Erika Navarra, Wendy Rasmussen
VP of Programs:  Open
VP of Fundraising:   Fall term:  Open;   Spring term: Jenna Magnotti 
VP of FACE:   Open    (Family And Community Engagement)
See the 2024 nominating committee report.



Monday June 17th It's time for Phantom Lake Elementary's Annual Field Day!!! This event is not to be missed! Kids will play play play from 10:00-11:30 and we need your help making it happen! We will have close to 25 stations, so we could really use a lot of help! We will need volunteers to run the stations, but also to provide donations of some supplies. So, if your schedule does not allow for time, please consider donating temporary tattoos, sand, chalk, and more! Our annual family picnic will follow the event from 12:00-1:00. Families are invited to join us on the field for a picnic lunch - bring your blanket, a lunch, and enjoy the company of your fellow Eagles! Students may still buy lunch as usual. Click here to sign up!: 

Please sign up to help!

Parents can signup to help at Field Day stations. More about station descriptions here.

Phantom Lake Elementary Family Connections Center

Please contact Ms. Judy Hunsberger at: hunsbergerju@bsd405.org if you need any assistance with food, rent, or other matters. She will be in touch with you within 24hrs. For more information about the Family Connections Center, click here.

Qualify for free and reduced lunches, SNAP, TANF or FDPIR? Sign up for SUN bucks...  https://www.phantomlakepta.org/SUN-Bucks.html

Let’s get moving! Phantom Lake Elementary PTA is having a Move-A-Thon fundraising event on Friday, May 17, 2024 during lunch recess (K-2: 12:25-12:50 and 3-5: 12:00-12:25) and after school from 3:10-5:00!
The Move-A-Thon fundraiser gives students the opportunity to have fun moving, walking, jogging, or running laps around the school turf field during recess and after school from 3:10-5:00. Each student raises money by collecting donations from friends and family members.


Please pre-purchase a meal ticket if you want pizza.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Science Fair and made it a great evening!

If you haven't already, please take a couple minutes to respond to our school community survey! The Action Team for Partnership (ATP) is hoping to hear what's going well at our school and also your candid feedback and concerns so we can help support and strengthen a sense of school community:
English: https://forms.office.com/r/iK9KZxymBh

Arabic: https://forms.office.com/r/PwZenfRx8g

Chinese (simplified): https://forms.office.com/r/rnqHS5HGxr

Japanese: https://forms.office.com/r/PnGjUfRMy1

Russian: https://forms.office.com/r/V3WFHFBQYt

Spanish: https://forms.office.com/r/jEbWbs2ANY

Vietnamese: https://forms.office.com/r/DsGYQj2ZCP

. . . thank you to everyone who already responded! 

Attention current Tillicum MS families and incoming 6th grade Tigers: As we prepare for the upcoming school year, our Tillicum Nominating Committee is actively seeking candidates to fill the positions on our 2024-25 PTA Executive Board. Additionally, we're eager to engage members of our community to take on various chair positions available for next year. Let's start planning ahead for a fantastic year together!
It's our hope to welcome enthusiastic volunteers from each feeder elementary school to join our PTA board, fostering diverse perspectives and approaches to our PTA's operation. Check out the different executive board positions and chair positions that we have at Tillicum: https://tillicumpta.org/Page/Pta/BoardMembers
If you have questions, know anyone great for holding a position or are interested in joining the 2024-2025 Tillicum PTA Board, please email: news@tillicumpta.org.

A big thank you to all the volunteers who made Family Fun Night a great success!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Chipotle fundraiser!

Sign up with Smith Brother's and the PTA gets money to spend on the school! Click the image for details.

Sign up for our Newsletter!

Join the PTA

Order your yearbook

Upcoming Staff Birthdays

Feb 9 - Chisako Higa (Cook)
Feb 12 - Tanya Schneider (Orchestra)
Feb 15 - Angela Samson (OT)
Feb 19 - Susan Wang (Preschool Assistant Teacher)
Feb 19 - Kelli Brakebush (Preschool Program Supervisor)
Feb 22 - Pauline Loofburrow (Preschool Lead Teacher)
Feb 26 - Barb Bauman (2nd Grade)

24/7 Crisis & Support Lifeline

Call or text 988 or go to https://988lifeline.org/ and click on the chat box at the top right corner to connect to compassionate care and support for mental-health-related distress.

The #988Lifeline will offer 24/7 access to trained counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use and other mental health crises. If you or someone you know needs support, call or text 988 or chat https://988lifeline.org/.

The Bellevue School District website has also been updated to include a Mental Health Services section, which expands mental health resources for students and families. Learn more: https://bit.ly/3o5SZiu